Welcome to CareCam
- an act for life.
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Best regards
Leila Eriksen
Articles and information regarding research:
- What is reflexology Research (pdf)
- Finding Scientific Research (pdf)
- Research (pdf)
- Evidence Based Practice (pdf)
- A Guide in Securing the Quality of Research Projects for Alternative Therapists
- Reflexology - A Therapy form in Progress
- Reflexology Clients Denmark and Sweden
- Reflexology & Acupuncture for Migraine (pdf)
- Health Journals/Consultation sheets for Alternative Practitioner
- Guide Pamphlet for Alternative Practitioners regarding journals/Consultation Sheet
Abstract accepted for presentation at international research conferences.
- “Reflexology in Europe and worldwide – Research and Clinical Practice” Las Vegas, US 2016 PDF
- ” Experiences and wishes from Danish cancer children and their families regarding CAM” Portland, US 2012 PDF
- “Reflexology clients in Danmark” – Chengdu, China 2011 PDF
- ”Reflexology clients in Sweden” - Chengdu, China 2011 PDF
- ”A knowledge based focus on patients with migraine – Acupuncture & Reflexology” Tromsøe, Norway 2010 PDF

- Article; ”Bridging Research, Clinical Care, Education and Policy in Complementary Health Care – Las Vegas May 2016”. Danish article “En ny tid” v/Leila Eriksen, DK PDF
- Article; “Welcome to an exiting journey” ICIMH Las Vegas 2016 (English) v/Leila Eriksen, DK PDF
- Danish Magazine; ”Zoneterapi indtager verden” Zoneconnection 2016, no 2. PDF
- Poster; “Reflexology in Europe and worldwide – Research and Clinical Practice” ICCMR Las Vegas 2016 (A4 version for printing) v/Leila Eriksen, DK PDF
- MYMOP questionnaire is useful to measure the outcomes from treatments, that the patient considers the most important.
It’s in English, Chinese, German and soon in Norwegian languish. Reed more about MYMOP by this link - MCQ - Medication Change Questionnaire
This questionnaire is an alternative to using the MYMOP questions on medication - MYCAW, Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing, is an individualised questionnaire that has been designed for evaluating complementary therapies in cancer support care. It may be suitable for use in other settings as well
- CaseRe3 .org – Reporting Case Stories http://www.casere3.org/nrn21mvc3ia6qzvycftra8ggsegxkl
- Register for exceptional Case Stories – Information and Reporting here https://uit.no/ansatte/organisasjon/aktiviteter/aktivitet?p_document_id=293529&p_dimension_id=88112&p_menu=42432&p_lang=2
Articles and information regarding cancer children:
- A mom tells about her experience
- Reflexology for children with cancer
- Reflexology to a cancerfaily in DK
- The Danish Association og Cancer Children
- Pediatric Reflexology - Evidence based practice(PDF)
”The Inspiring Future Healthcare - Meeting the Healthcare Paradigm Shift!”
Articles mentioned bellow (in the end of this page), are from 2015 and 2014.
- Reflexology Research – a workshop or a one day course for CAM practitioners, PDF
- Strengthening Reflexology in Integrated Healthcare 2015, PDF
- Abstract from ICR conference 2015 (PDF)
- ICR International Council of Reflexologists Conference Report 2015 PDF
- Touch's Social Significance 2015, PDF
- Non-Research Abstract Session ICIMH 2016, PDF
- Fremtidens Sundhedsvæsen 2015 (The future health care system), PDF
- Verdenskongres for zoneterapeuter 2015 (World congress for reflexologists), PDF1 PDF2
- Fra Hovedpinepatient til livsnyder (from Headache patient to enjoy life), PDF
- Seminar om gode sygdomsforløb knyttet til brugen af alternativ behandling (In Progress)
- Energimedicin i Sundhedsarbejdet 2015 (Energy medicin in Health Care), PDF
- Børn og Cancer, Zoneblad 2015 (Children and cancer, reflexology magazine), PDF
- Reflexology around Europe 2014 , PDF
- Keynote speakers Miami 2014, PDF
- Refleksion på kongres deltagelse (pdf) (reflexion on participating a congres), PDF
- Zoneterapi er effektiv som smertestillende medicin (Reflexology is pain effective), PDF
- Du kan bidrage til forskning i alternativ behandling (contribute to be part of CAM research), PDF
- Kampen med kroppen, PDF
- CAM Regulation – a database on the regulation of traditional, Complementary and alternative Medicine in Europe. The National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Norway www.nafkam.no
Børn Vi har erfaring med behandling af børn i alle aldre. I klinikken, i barnets hjem og på hospitaler. Zoneterapi til børn FCB - cancer børn |
Personalepleje Vi har erfaring med tilfredse og glade medarbejdere. Se hvad de siger her |
Laserbehandling En unik behandling – lys stråling uden smerter. Sportsskader, fodvorter, forkølelsessår m.m. Læs mere her |
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Kurser Vore kurser opfylder registreringsordningens uddannelseskrav (RAB). Se kursisternes udtalelser her |
Foredrag Leila Eriksen har holdt foredrag på mere end 40 internationale kongresser. Se mere her |
Artikler Se et udpluk af vore artikler og abstrakts præsenteret i videnskabelige tidsskrifter og på anerkendte forskerkongresser her |
Tilskud Du og dit barn kan få tilskud til zoneterapi og akupunktur fra ”danmark” og en række sundhedsforsikringer. Ring og hør nærmere. |
Konsulentbistand Brug for ideer til forskning og dokumentation? Ring og hør nærmere. |
Brugerinformation: www.netpatient.dk - www.danskepatienter.dk - www.netdoktor.dk - www.sundhedsguiden.dk |
Vision, fokus og interesseområde: Kvalitetsudvikling af CAM området, så målrettede indsatser kan medvirke til bedre livskvalitet og øgning af evnen til at mestre egen situation.. |